This is the fourth installment in the series created by the Italian Milestone Studio. WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 4 belongs to a game series licensed on World Rally Championship.
Also environment and car engine sounds were improved. Players can admire new dynamic weather effects and better lighting, among other things. As compared with the previous installment of the series, the graphics was improved. Besides, the game developers have not forgotten about multiplayer mode where you can compete against other players.WRC 4 uses an improved Spikengine that was used for the first time in WRC 3. Besides that, the WRC routes and cars were faithfully transferred into the game.The career mode lets you play as a virtual driver who competes in more and more prestigious sport events, the ultimate one being World Rally Championship. The game was published by Bigben Interactive, and not, as it was so far (excluding the arcade spin-off WRC: Powerslide), Black Bean Games.WRC 4 takes a lot from the sport license it is based on - the game offers a chance of taking part in rallies of the WRC 2013 season as well as compete against authentic drivers and teams participating in the championship.