This is the game to play to get ANYONE into war /strategy games. PANZER GENERAL you can buy on one of the game distribution platforms (list above). discuss this game! Gameplay has been made easy because of use of the mouse. Es finden sich eine PBEM-Liga, Turniere, Spielverbund mit anderen Ligen, Szenario-Downloads, Tipps und Tricks, Links, Community und Quiz. Falls jemand nen link kennt, oder weiß ob es abandonware ist, oder es in nem shop findet, oder es wenigstens kennt, oder hat, oder loswerden möchte.
0 point The game mechanic is simple, playing the game to reach a decisive victory in USA is another matter. Mais un genre ne fait pas tout : qu'en est-il de la qualité générale du jeu ? 0 point Panzer General, the first of SSI's General games, was a truly fantastic game when it came out in 1994. Don't remember where it is but its awesome!! DOS version, mushandin Screenshots were taken by Abandonware DOS.